Sunday, March 18, 2007

Spreadsheets are a powerful learning tool for primary, elementary and middle school students in mathematics.Students use color and pattern to shade areas of the grid to visualize addition and subtraction. The use of borders and colors helps to organize and highlight data in unique ways. The formatting of font, size, color and pattern fill of cells and borders helps focus student attention on key elements of an assignment. A spreadsheet helps convey the meaning of Decimal numbers as students arrange them in ascending order on a number line.

Students make charts and graphs from spreadsheet records, learning to organize their ideas and present information to an audience. Charts add meaning to information, helping students to analyze and interpret data, as they identify the maximum and minimum, mean, median and mode of a data set.. The computer can generate bar graphs, line graphs and pie charts. Pie charts reinforce the idea of percentages as these are represented visually, and help students compare ratios. Students make their own Bar Graphs by filling cells with color, and Clip Art is used to make Pictographs

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