Monday, March 12, 2007

Aspects of Blogging (week 5 assignment)

Blogs make integrating technology in the classroom easy: no technical knowledge is needed and users' thoughts are instantly published to the Web.
Blogs also make it easy to give students feedback on their thoughts. At the end of each entry is a comment link for others to give opinions or thoughts about the entries. A classroom blog facilitates assessment and enrichment by allowing teachers to post writing prompts, links, and other resources for students.Student blogs are blogs where the entries are created entirely by students. Traditional writing activities such as journals, learning logs, and math autobiographies are all possible on a blog. But blogs also allow users to incorporate links, images, audio, and video into posts, increasing the potential for creative project-based learning.
Click Here
Here's another oneclick here

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This sounds like a cool site. Hope you had less trouble finding this one than I had finding mine.